I woke up to some joyful, singing birthday messages, and am already excited at what today is going to bring. Pretty soon I'll be meeting some friends for banana pancakes- YUM! I also have a fun lunch meeting followed by a reflexology appointment scheduled as a treat to me, by another friend. I am so looking forward to this, though I have no idea what to expect with that. This evening I'll be getting picked up in a motorhome by my family, to head off to Lake Powell, one of my top favorite places in all the land! Pretty much- happy birthday to me!
On this subject- are you the type of person who remembers people's birthdays and sends them a card that arrives in their mailbox on their exact birthday? Or are you like my friend who three days before my actual birthday- wished me a happy belated birthday?
Even as a very organized person, I'm just not good when it comes to tracking everyone's birthdays, especially with enough time to actually send them a birthday card. It's actually been bothering me lately, so I'm going to start, TODAY, (ok, realistically when I get back from Powell), to capture all of my friends and clients' birthdays, (I'm on top of it with the family), and begin a system to keep on top of their special days. Are you with me?
Here's what I'm going to do...
- Send out a blast email to a list I make up ahead of time of people's birthdays I want to remember, asking them to send me their current address, and birthday.
- As the responses come in, I will click and drag their email into my calendar section of Outlook, and schedule a reminder one week ahead of their birthday. By doing this, the calendar automatically has the email info contained with it- including their address.
- At the beginning of every month, I'll look ahead and see what friends' birthdays are coming up, and schedule a small chunk of time to write cards and address their envelopes. I'll have a folder for "birthdays" set up where all the current month's cards will go, and as I get the reminder in Outlook one week ahead of time, I'll mail off the cards accordingly.
- For clients, I'm going to set up a few generic birthday greeting messages using SendOutCards. At the beginning of every month, I'll take a monthly look at what birthdays are up for the month, and schedule a half hour to add any necessary personal touches to my generic card message, and then I'll flag in Send Out Cards, when I actually want the card to go out. (Just because I'm writing them at the beginning of the month, doesn't mean I have to send them out then. I can set the date I want the card mailed off).
Wow there are so many directions I could go off and write on within this blog, considering all the different tools I'm talking about, but I'll save it for later. Ok- are you with me? This will be a painless, simple enough way to make everyone in my life feel special, as well as stand out a bit, help the ol' marketing efforts and continue building on those relationships... all by sending out birthday cards!