Ok, remember how I was shocked to know that the whole world didn't know about Jott.com? Well in order to keep you fine people up to speed on other cool resources, I'm going to share one that's awesome for managing tasks, especially when you feel like you are overwhelmed with lots of different types of tasks. www.TaDaList.com is a free, online application, (is application the right word there?), anyway, for listing out all of your tasks. You can create numerous lists under different category headings, and can email yourself or others the lists, which keeps things even easier of course! This can work great if you're delegating tasks to an assistant, because the entire list can be emailed off, versus, in Microsoft Outlook for example, where you can only email individual tasks... Who wants an inbox that's likely already overflowing with to dos, to be flooded with more to dos from the boss' task list? Basically, it's a great little tool for housing all kinds of to dos, that can help unload your brain of all the tasks you're storing... Remember- your brain is for thinking and creating new ideas, and not for storage!! Check it out!