Wow, I just had a big realization reading through some other really great blogs recently... my blog posts are BORING! They're too informative, which is ok, but I need to be telling more funny stories that I'm experiencing in my work days, or situations that come up with clients I'm working with, and THEN connect this to being organized, or more efficient, productive, etc... There's no mistakes if we learn from them, so I'm going to take this mini-epiphany and work harder at spicing up my posts... Sound good? Hope so, because it's all for you, my fine friend!
Well yesterday, I was totally committed to blogging, (since it's been a while as you may have noticed), but wouldn't you know it, I had full-on bloggers block! One fellow blogger friend suggested I repeat "bloggers block" 100 times, quickly, to stir up my brain and get those creative juices flowing... such a great idea, but after repeating it about 8 times, I started laughing at hearing myself do this, so I had to stop! His second suggestion, which I personally think is much more fun, was to have a glass of wine and forget about...all the while, a lovely bottle of Wild Horse pinot noir stared at me, as I actually contemplated his suggestion at 11:30 in the morning on a Thursday... NOPE- I didn't give in for those of you who were wondering, but someday, I'll blog after a good glass of wine, and hopefully, you'll just never know the difference!
Ok, anyway, what the heck is my point in all this rambling- ahh, such a good question. I have two points, the first being- take time to laugh in your busy days. It's hard to be seriously focused and productive for 8 straight hours, (or however long you wild workaholics are spending at the office), and my second point is, sometimes you can't force it- 'it' being, whatever important activity it is that you're working on. My brain was not in a writing mood yesterday, and had I forced it, it would have taken me twice as long with half the success. NOW, I am also not in any way suggesting that you simply only work when you're "in the mood," but sometimes, figure out if there's another task you can be working on, so you don't just spin your wheels and waste time. Of course if you find that you are rarely in the mood to work on important tasks, I would take some time to discover whether or not you're in the right profession...
You have such a fun personality so please don't deprive the blogging world of that. Your expertise is defiantly worth every buck but your *style* will only make this blog that much better.
Just remember friends don't let friends drink and blog... :-)
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