Seriously, what's up with people talking on their cell phones at the gym? Last night, there was a guy sitting at one of the weight machines, not lifting, just texting. Now yes, I might be one of those people who believe we don't need to be connected to our phones 24/7, but even for those who would disagree with me, is it really necessary to bring it to the gym? Can we not go ONE hour without being on our phones? Hey, I'll admit, I am all for talking and driving, (assuming you're a decent driver to begin with), because it is definitely a great time to catch up with people or return calls, however, trying to workout and talk or text just don't easily fit together, hand in hand.
Multi-tasking, no matter how hard you don't want to believe me on this, actually SLOWS down the time it takes to complete our tasks. We think we're being faster, more efficient or getting more done in less time, but that just isn't the case! When we try and use the same part of our brain for two different tasks, the amount of brain power available to each task is significantly decreased. It makes sense, right? So practice doing ONE thing at a time- including working out, writing a blog or listening to your friend tell a story on the phone... This will increase our effectiveness in whatever we're doing- so go get buff and stay off the phone while you're at it!
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