I can't tell you how many people tell me they're "big-time" procrastinators... My thought on that is, who isn't? I seriously can't think of anyone who, for the majority of the time, completes tasks ahead of schedule. I think anyone who does, must be
superhuman or something, because it's just so against our natural tendencies. PLUS, it's practically a
law of the universe that we're all pretty much going to be procrastinators- ever hear of
Parkinson's Law? Tim Ferriss talks about it in his book,
The 4 Hour Work Week. (Yes, that's me with the bold and adventurous author himself). It states that's a task will expand to the time alloted to complete it. In other words, if I ask you for a one page write up on your hopes and dreams, and I say have it back to me in three days, you'll get it done in three days. If I ask for it in three weeks, guess when I'll get it- at the end of the three weeks. It's so true, isn't it! It doesn't matter on the complexity of the task, it's the
time given to complete it! I think this is pretty funny, considering many of us walk around calling ourselves procrastinators like it's a bad thing. Let's just let go of the guilt and accept it. Maybe I'll even start a club, Procrastinators Anonymous, where we can all tell stories of the ridiculously stressful moments we've gotten ourselves into, all because we put off doing something to the very last minute. What would be your worst story?
The best thing to do, considering the FACT that we're all
procrastinators, is to operate as efficiently as possible throughout our days, maximizing our minutes, keeping an
organized desk that's devoid of distracting piles of paper, and just immerse ourselves into our projects and to do lists. Find ways to trick yourself of the deadlines if you have to, all to create a greater sense of urgency. It's time to to get off email, pick our most important tasks for the day, and knock them each out, one at a time.
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