For the first time ever, I got to experience a whole afternoon relaxing on the
alone. Yep, I didn't go with a big group of friends, or family members, where my attention is typically more focused on being social, than actually taking in the insanely humbling yet mind-blowing majestic-ness, of the ocean, (yes, I'm making up words again). I experienced the most overwhelming feeling of joy and pure gratitude, starting the moment my feet hit that hot sand. Now here I am, a couple of days later, and I can't help but think of so many clients I've worked with, and I'm sure a
huge percentage of the population, that haven't taken time for themselves in years. Ugh- that kills me! It's absolutely critical to take time to rejuvenate, and renew our energy. When you go months on end, running around town, taking care of work, your family, your pets, your house and on and on, and
never stop to build your energy, it's quite likely you're not operating at your highest level, and probably haven't been for a while. My simple analogy would be a car- if you're not changing the oil, checking the
air in the tires, or warming it up before you speed off on a cold day, your poor little car is pushing itself, but it's not going to perform at it's optimal potential.
When is the last time you took time for YOU, and YOU alone? It's time to do something that allows you to fully unplug and hit the reset button on your hard-working self! This restoration of energy is absolutely proven to be connected to your productivity and your ability to function at peak performance- and it's not like I'm telling you to go
organize your paperwork here... Shift your thinking if you believe it's better to run this rat race and not stop, and schedule a YOU day, (except it'd technically be called a ME day), today!
Two questions: How does a girl from Scottsdale spend the afternoon at the ocean? And, how did you get the Twitter username Organize? You must be an early-adopter. I really enjoyed reading some of your blog. I'll definitely be back!
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