Monday, May 12, 2008

Crazy Busy? Help is on the way!

Do you have a Ferrari-engine powered brain?
I recently attended a seminar called, Success with Sanity, with Dr. Edward Hallowell, the top ADD psychiatrist in the country. He wrote a fantastic book which I highly recommend, called, Crazy Busy, and I’ll tell you what, the man understands what it’s like to operate in a completely fast-paced, high-stress society better than anyone I’ve read or heard speak. He explains that those of us with ADD have a Ferrari-engine of a brain, which is a powerful gift, but the problem is-we have Chevy brakes!
Dr. Hallowell has created a complete vocabulary to describe some of the modern-day situations that are all too familiar to us crazy-busies. Here are a few of my favorites along with some suggestions for coping in this crazy busy world:

  • Screensucking: mindlessly wasting time in front of your computer screen…often occurring long after your work for the day has been done
  • Doom Darts: when an obligation or a to-do pops into your consciousness out of nowhere, like a “poisoned dart,” creating an instantly-anxious response
  • Leeches and Lilies: leeches are people or projects that steal your time or energy, leaving you wondering how in the heck you were in the position to be dealing with the [insert your own noun] in the first place. Lilies are those people, activities or projects that feed your spirit, energizing you and leaving you feeling happy

So what do we do about these frustrations?

  • Well for one, recognizing that you’re screensucking is the first step to recovery. Think moderation, people! Know that every time you log onto your computer, you’re susceptible!
  • Doom darts can be avoided if you create a specific “plan of attack” as soon as the thought enters your brain. For example, stop and write on your to-do list, that you need to buy an anniversary card, or return a phone call.
  • Cultivate lilies and avoid leeches! This means scheduling a golf day with your buddies, (not just talking about it), and saying no to the random sales guy who wants to meet for coffee to “get to know more about your business.”

Take back control! Just because everyone else is crazy busy, doesn’t mean you have to be!

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