Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Time Management equals Life Management

How in the world do you manage time, when it feels like you just don't have any? Clone yourself? Maybe... though I think it comes down to figuring out what's MOST important to you. Sure, I have some great time management, or what I call, time maximization tips and tricks that are extremely effective for helping squeeze out more time in your busy days, (check out, to learn all kinds of info now), but at the end of the day, what do you want your tombstone to read? RIP Jim: Dedicated 90% of his life to his business, never missed a meeting and had a large database. RIP Susan: A multi-tasking queen who worked 12 hour days and still kept a clean house. Come on! We need to plan our life first, and fit our business around that. Too many of us are postponing our lives and what's truly important to us, because we're too busy with work!! Before we dive into simple ways to save time in our businesses, we first have to establish what we want our time to look like. Let's take back control of our time, our blackberries, our staff and even our clients, and make a promise to quit enabling everything and everyone to take our time away from us! Your homework is to write down your purpose for being here on this earth... if it's easier to think of what you want your epitaph to say, then approach it that way.... Why don't I see you writing? Seriously, grab a pen and get writing... then stick this on your wall right above your computer monitor and begin to plan your time around that!

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