In our busy days, we must have a collection zone-meaning, one designated spot where we can unload all our tasks, whether it's a thought- or there's a piece of paper we're keeping around to remind us to do something. This is where your inbox comes it- and it can be a basket or tray, that sits within arms reach on your desktop. If you're out at a meeting and come up with a great idea you want to follow through on- write a note and drop it in your inbox. If someone sent you a newsletter you will first want to review, drop it in your inbox. It's your reliable collection bucket where all forms of information you have to process, first go. Once you're ready to take time to process, (make decisions on the items in your inbox-not actually doing the tasks in your box), simply prioritize the actions and place the materials into your action file folders, or your trusty to do list. For items that have a specific date to follow up on, make a reminder in your calendar on that specific day.
One major rule for the inbox is it's only for unprocessed items- meaning those things you aren't sure what to do with. It's not a holding tank for "to dos." Whether you have an inbox or not, think about applying the tips above for a more organized and efficient method of controlling incoming information.
Jennifer Furrier-professional organizer and productivity trainer
Essential Organizing
free your space. free your mind.