Raise your hand if you LOVE to file... I know, I know, filing is never a priority and it's not the most exciting thing to do, so we have to make it as easy as possible. Make sense?I know- another fascinating topic from the organizing guru, right? Here are some simple tips and tricks though, that I'm sure, if you follow, will help refresh your files and have you operating more effectively, so here goes!
First off, you must have a filing cabinet that you love... yes, love. What I mean is, if you have some old, squeaky, bent up filing cabinet that is really hard to open, or you have to use all your might to slam it shut- then you aren't ever going to use it! I see this all too often in, especially in home offices I'm organizing. If there are any barrriers to making it very simple for us to be organized, then we just aren't going to follow through.
Another tip for a smart filing system is to not overthink what you're going to name your files. What's the first word that pops in your head when you're deciding what to label something? Use that word... to keep it really simple, don't worry so much about categorizing and color coding- this can often make it more confusing when there's an overlap of categories, AND it definitely makes it harder to maintain. What happens when you run out of the red folders, but have something that would technically be filed in a red folder...do you cheat and stick it in a blue folder instead? Just dont even bother! Get the standard green, Pendaflex file folders.
I would also suggest running the tabs in a straight line, rather than alternating across the 5-8 different spots. This makes it easier on the eye, and again, easier to maintain because you're not having to go back and re-do the placement of tabs, when you add a new folder in the middle of your drawer.
Finally, alphabetize your folders. This makes for quick access of your needed information, and obviously, makes it easier when putting things away... eh hem, put-your-papers-back-into-files (hint hint)... =)
Jennifer Furrier-professional organizer & productivity consultant
Essential Organizing
1 comment:
I love these ideas Jennifer! I am learning so much just from your blog- I know that I need a file system in the worst way - Can't wait to get you out to the house!
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